When working with Third Wall support, you may get a request for the log files.  Third Wall writes its logs to each remote computer's hard drive.  These logs describe all activity by Third Wall on the computer.  You can find the logs at C:\Windows\temp\ThirdWall.txt.

Update: With Third Wall version, we added a button to do this for you.  Use the Computer Screen to find and press the 'Get TW Logs' button.

For those not yet running

To get the file without interrupting the user, follow these steps:

  1. In Automate, open the Computer Screen for the target computer.
  2. On the Computer Screen, press Begin -> Tools -> Command Prompt. This will open in a new window.
  3. In the newly opened Command prompt, enter this command:
    type c:\windows\temp\thirdwall.txt

  4. Within a moment or two, the contents of the file will dump onto the screen.

  5. Ctrl+A will select all text and Ctrl+V will paste it.