Some computer will not be able to register pens on the USB Wall Client Screen.   To resolve this, open your Integrations (Dashboard -> Config -> Integrations -> Third Wall) screen. From there, hit the 'Encryption' link. That will bring you to this screen:

Note: This process will delete all currently registered pens. You will need to re-register them for each client. Apologies for that but there is no way for us to alter the encryption used on the pens without re-registering them.

Note2: We will soon be releasing a LAPS type solution. Having this improved encryption enabled will be a precondition of enabling our LAPS clone so I suspect you'll want to do this anyway.

On the screen above, click to check the 'Use FIPS-Compliant Encryption' checkbox. This will cause a password prompt to appear. You don't need to remember this password; it's only being used as a randomizer for your server and you'll never be prompted for it again. Enter a password and press the 'Enable FIPS' button.

Also, Third Wall uses the 'Update Config' (Commands -> Inventory -> Update Config) command to sync the registered pens list to the remote computers. After registering the pens, please issue that command to the Client before testing.