
The Third Wall Administrator Password System assigns randomly generated passwords for each computer it is applied to.  Those passwords may be aggregated and stored in a password-protected zip file using the method shown below.

The TWAPS Backup process relies on the Automate Script Engine.  Two commands are required; the first to gather and decrypt all password assignments and the second to save the list as a zip file to a computer of your choosing.  Because of this, an Automate Remote Agent must be installed on the target computer.


Building the Script

Line 1

To generate the first line, use the LabTech Command function.  Enter '1063' in the Command field.

In the Parameters field, enter the password to be assigned to the saved .zip file.  This password will be required to unzip the file and view the TWAPS assigned passwords.

Finally, enter '%computerid%' in the ID field.

Line 2

Use the File Download function to create line two:

The 'Local File' must be as shown above: Twaps\MyZipFile.zip

'Destination Path' is the path that the .zip file will be copied to on the target computer.  Use any name and path appropriate for that machine.


When this script is run on a computer, a file will be created on the computer the script is run on, and at the Destination Path selected on Line 2.  This zip file will be password protected with the Parameters assigned on Line 1.  In the example above, the file Passwords.zip is created on the target computer at c:\test