To create a script to isolate or restore a single computer’s network or for all computers in a location or client begin by selecting a computer that is online in CW Automate and can be temporarily isolated without negatively impacting a logged-on user. Navigate to the Third-Wall plug-in and scroll down to the “Emergency Actions Buttons” box.

Click “Isolate” and wait for the command to complete. 


Once completed wait a minute then click “Restore Network.” 


There are now 2 commands available from which scripts can be created. 

On the open computer right-click the “Gear” icon then select “Commands.” 


You will see the two most recent commands, the second one in the list should be the “Isolate” command and the first one should be the “Restore Network” command. They can be distinguished by the date and time. 

Right-click on the earliest “Third Wall Command” and click “Create Script.” 


In the “Create Script” options name the script, give it a description, then click “Save” at the bottom right. 


Repeat these steps to create the “Restore Network” script. 



You can now right-click on any computer, location, or client... navigate to Scripts \ Computer Scripts \ Actions and you will see the two new scripts to isolate or restore the network.