To Retrieve Third Wall logs from a Computer
Double click on the affected computer then navigate to the Third Wall plug-in.
Scroll down to Utility at the bottom right and click "Get TW logs."
The log file will be downloaded to the %windir%\temp folder of your Control Center computer used to retrieve the log file and is called TWLogs.txt. It will automatically open in notepad. Occasionally, notepad will open behind other application windows that are open and you may not see it. Please check your taskbar for the notepad icon that contains the contents of the log file.
You can either send the TWLogs.txt file from %windir%\temp of the Control Center computer used to retrieve the file or save it from notepad to a different folder and / or file name and then send it.
The computer's Third Wall log file can also be retrieved directly from the computer. It is located in the %windir%\temp folder and is named Thirdwall.txt.