Overview:  With this update, the Third Wall plugin is changing the method by which it applies and removes user policies.  This change applies to the policies:

  • Enable Password Protected Screensaver
  • Restrict Local Administrator Tools
  • Disable *Setup*.exe and *Install*.exe
  • Disable .EXE from %AppData%
  • Disable Office Macros from Internet
  • Disable OLE in Office Documents


Prior versions of Third Wall all approach user-based polices in the following manner.  On initialization, on monitor and on undo, the following events occur:

  • A list of all current console users is created.
  • For each user detected running a console:
    1. Check the appropriate registry key(s).
    2. Update incorrect key(s) with the proper value.

Third Wall v2.5.7.5 changes the process for initialization and undo.  The monitor functions are unchanged:

  • A list of all user profiles stored on the computer is created.
  • For each user profile discovered
    1. Check that the user profile is loaded in the registry.
      • Load the user profile into the registry if not already loaded.
    2. Check the appropriate registry key(s).
    3. Update incorrect key(s) with the proper value.
      • Unload all user profiles which were artificially loaded.

This change is to make the application and removal of all User-Based policies more consistent and reliable.